Federal Programs


Each year the federal government supplements the cost of several programs in Southern Local Schools. Strict guidelines accompany these funds to ensure correct and consistent use among school districts. Funding from the government is primarily used to support reading and math programs, special education, and provide professional development to teachers and administrators. In addition, we receive funding specifically to assist with closing the achievement gap between regular students and students with disabilities. Title I Family Involvement Activities are scheduled throughout the year at each building; including Parent-Teacher Conference Nights.

Title I

Title I funds are used to support developmental reading and math programs at the elementary level in Southern Local Schools.  Southern Local Schools operates as a school-wide model where Title Reading Teachers, a Math Coach, and intervention teachers were used to provide additional assistance to students at the elementary level. Title I funds at the Jr./Sr. High are used to provided support programs to supplement and enhance the regular curriculum.
Homeless Youth Support

Title IIA

Title II-A Funding for Title II-A is earmarked for professional development for teachers and administrators based on needs determined by the Ohio Improvement Process.  The Professional Development is related to data analysis, instructional strategies, and improvement of team practices to improve instruction.

Title IV-A

Title IV-A is used at the Jr./Sr. High to offer opportunities to students related to STEM instruction and technology.

IDEA-B (Special Education)

 IDEA-B Special needs of the handicapped were addressed with federal funds that are allocated based on the number of identified handicapped students served in our school district. These funds were used to provide salaries for special education teachers, to defray the excess costs of serving students with disabilities and to provide related services like Occupational Therapy. IDEA-B funds provide special reading programs and technology resources for special education classrooms.


The Board of Education of the Southern Local School District (hereinafter referred to as "the Board" or "the District") does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), in its education programs or activities, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and its implementing regulations, not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment. The Board is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment.

The Board prohibits Sexual Harassment that occurs within its education programs and activities. When the District has actual knowledge of Sexual Harassment in its education program or activity against a person in the United States, it shall promptly respond in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent.

Pursuant to its Title IX obligations, the Board is committed to eliminating Sexual Harassment and will take appropriate action when an individual is determined responsible for violating this policy. Board employees, students, third-party vendors and contractors, guests, and other members of the School District community who commit Sexual Harassment are subject to the full range of disciplinary sanctions set forth in this policy. The Board will provide persons who have experienced Sexual Harassment ongoing remedies as reasonably necessary to restore or preserve access to the District's education programs and activities.

This policy applies to Sexual Harassment that occurs within the District's education programs and activities and that is committed by a member of the School District community or a Third Party.

This policy does not apply to Sexual Harassment that occurs off school grounds, in a private setting, and outside the scope of the District's education programs and activities; such Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Activity may be prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct if committed by a student, or by Board policies and administrative guidelines, applicable State and/or Federal laws and/or Employee/Administrator Handbook(s) if committed by a Board employee.

Consistent with the U.S. Department of Education's implementing regulations for Title IX, this policy does not apply to Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the geographic boundaries of the United States, even if the Sexual Harassment occurs in the District's education programs or activities. Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the geographic boundaries of the United States is governed by the Student Code of Conduct if committed by a student, or by Board Policies and administrative guidelines, applicable State and/or Federal laws and/or Employee/Administrator Handbook(s) if committed by a Board employee. 

Title IX Coordinator/Investigator:
Kristy Sampson
38095 State Route 39
Salineville, OH 43945
Title IX Decision-Maker:
Greg Sabbato
38095 State Route 39
Salineville, OH 43945
Title IX Appeal Designee:
Thomas Cunningham
38095 State Route 39
Salineville, OH 43945